Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daria Pt.9

Waking up in the guest room didn't feel different at all. After last night I'm truly on the verge of packing up everything I own and moving the fuck out. Today I'm just going to hit the gym with Remy and Keta and maybe go get a drink or two tonight. I really don't want to be bothered with Gwen right now.
"Goodmorning baby, I made you breakfast." Gwen says I walk towards the bathroom.
"I'm not hungry." I snarl back. I'm not really in the mood to speak and honestly I don't want even see her face. Everything in me wants to knock the teeth out of her mouth. I don't think she understands how hurt I am. Calling me another bitch's name while we're in the middle of sex? She lied to me about being upset over Trinity being in that accident, she lied about being upset over the fact that she was one of her patients, but for her to call me Trinity pissed me the fuck off. Do I look like a pyscho bitch who goes around burning people's house down? When I get out the shower Gwen is in the guest room sitting on the bed crying.
"Baby can we please talk about this?" she says through her tears.
"I'll pass." I respond putting on my boxers.
"I love you." she sobs.
"I'm sure." I say putting lotion on my legs.
After I get dressed I instantly leave. No kiss to Gwen's forehead, no see you later, nothing. I don't want to be bothered with her at this moment. Everything about her is making me sick. I pull up to Keta's house and her and Remy get in the car.
"So what happened last night?" Remy asked.
"I told you on the phone, we were in the middle of fucking and she calls out Trini's name."
"Damn yo, so have y'all talked?" Keta interjects.
"Fuck no, and I don't think I'm going to for a hot ass minute. At least not until we get back to work."
"Seems like a reasonable amount of time to make her suffer." Remy agrees.
"I guess." I say pulling up to the gym.
After damn near 2 hours in the gym: Remy, Keta, and myself go back to the house to chill, change, and head out for a simple night of drinks and partying. This was supposed to be a weekend for Gwen and I but I don't want her ass anywhere around me. At the club, the music is loud and the drinks are strong. All the ladies are looking good and I'm really enjoying my time out. Remy, Keta, and I get a V.I.P. area and buy a few bottles. Just as I'm ready to pour myself some orange juice and ciroc as pretty ass femme plops herself down on my lap.
"Can I help you?" I ask her over the music.
"I'm Stacey." she answers back. "I was looking at you from over at the table with my girls and I was really liking my view."
"Cute" i yell over the music as I ease her off my lap. "Sorry sweetheart but I have a girlfriend."
"But are you happy?" she questions.
Remy and Keta are giving me the "Fuck it might as well" look. My mind is telling me I shouldn't even be conversing with this girl but the other part of me is enjoying the view of Stacey's long tan legs and gorgeous figure. Stacey somehows eases her way back into my lap and sips from my cup. She then yells over the music the one thing that gets me wetter than anything "Daddy I'm wet." I get to licking my lips and before you know it Stacey and I are kissing and grinding to the music. Just as I come to my senses on what I've just done I can see my livid girlfriend standing over the table.
"So this is what we do now Daria?" she says kicking the bottles off the table with her heel.
'I'm guessing you're the girlfriend." Stacey chimes in.
"Bitch don't get smacked." Erica interjects.
"Well maybe I should just go." Stacey says getting up to leave and return to her table.
"No stay little lady you good, she's single now and she can do whatever the fuck she pleases." Gwen says knocking over the rest of our cups and bottles and stepping off.
Gwen and Erica exit the V.I.P. area but don't leave the club. I see her on the other side of the V.I.P. area laughing it up with her sisters and some friends. I go over to speak to her but by the time I reach her they've finished their drinks and are now leaving the club. Remy, Keta, and myself leave the club and I head home to talk to Gwen about what happened. Just as I walk in the door I hear some glass shatter and I see bags at the front door.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I yell to the bedroom. I know she's drunk and I'm really not in the mood to deal with it but we really need to talk about what happened.
"I fuck up in the bedroom Daria. I fuck up ONE TIME and you go off and kiss another bitch? Some random as broad at that. Just all in your lap at the club. BITCH I hope you get mono!" She yells as she throws a shoe at me. She's really pissed and I know we'll end up in different rooms tonight.
"What the fuck is your problem?!"
"You're my fucking problem! I wanted to talk to you and work shit out but you're to fucking hard headed and stubborn. I know that I've been a fuck up. If it wasn't for you coming after me that night I could've done both of us some good and shot myself!" Gwen continues to yell as she throws clothes and shoes at me.
"Gwendolyn get your drunk ass together ok?" I yell back grabbing her and shaking her.
"Get the fuck off of me bitch!" she screams.
"Calm the fuck down!"
"FUCK YOU BITCH !" Gwen says hitting me in the face.
What was supposed to be a simple somewhat drunk argument turns into us fighting. We're fist fighting and throwing each other around. I hit my head on the dresser, she fell and cut her leg on a broke mirror. We're both punching and screaming. When the fighting stops I walk away into the guest room and slam the door. I sit on the edge of the bed and cry.
"I fucking hate you Daria ! I hate you bitch ! I hate you!" I hear Gwen crying and screaming through the wall.
"Fuck you Gwen!" I yell back.
Gwen begins kicking and punching at the door. "Bitch!" I open the door and Gwen starts punching me in the chest. "I hate you" she cries. I grab her and hold her close. "I hate you" she cries hysterically into my chest.
"Gwen baby, calm down please." I cry back.
"Why D? Why?" she sobs.
"I'm sorry baby. I'm really sorry. I love you." I say stroking her hair.
I sit on the side of the bed with Gwen still in my arms. I just let her get it all out. I want this to all be over. I love this girl with all my heart. This shit isn't right. Why do I feel so much like Trinity? Like I'm doing my girlfriend more harm then help.
We both eventually doze off and I hold her close to me for the rest of the night allowing her to sleep on my badly bruised chest just so she can hear my heartbeat, letting her know I'm still here.

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