Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daria Pt.5

"I can't believe that Gwen was lying to me about seeing Trinity's ass." I said to Erica as she poured me a drink. I sat on the couch holding back tears because I just couldn't believe what had happened. When Trinity called my phone the first time I thought that she was lying off bat but the minute she started forwarding me text messages and putting me on three way for phone calls I automatically knew that my grilfriend was lying to me. Im somewhat heartbroken but I guess I'll get over it. I have to go to the house later to get my clothes and shit. I don't even want to be with her ass anymore after all of this.
"It's more to it then what you think love, I'm sure of it. You and Gwen have known each other way to long for her to be lying to you D. She really loves you and I honestly think you need to talk to her. I know my bestfriend, she's not like that." Erica says handing me my phone. "Call her and tell her you're coming to talk."
I dial her phone and another women picks up.
"Hello, who is this?"
"This is Heather, Gwendolyn's nurse here at the hosptial, may I ask who I'm speaking with?"
"This is her girlfriend Daria, why is she in the hospital?"
"I can't share that information with you over the phone but I can tell you she's at Poloma Hospital.
"Thank you I'll be there shortly."
I can't really phase what could've happen to her but regardless of how pissed I am at her right now Gwen needs me. Erica I get in the car and I explain what I know on the way to the hospital. When we reach her room I see her hooked up to three different machines and she looks darker then usual. Her face is bruised and she has a lot of small scars on her arms and face. I want to cry so bad but I have to be strong for her right now. Erica goes over to the bed and grabs her hand slowly. Gwen opens her eyes their blood shot red like she's been crying.
"Hi babe" Erica says rubbing her head. "How long have you been here by yourself?'
"Somewhere between 4 and 6 hours. I got here like 6:30 and it's almost one in the morning so you can imagine I've been here a while." Her voice is raspy and she doesn't look my way at all. I really don't think she's in any mood to speak to me. I really just want to hold her right now.
"Baby, how you feeling?"
"Why are you worried about me and how I'm doing? Even if I told you I was fine you probably wouldn't believe me." Gwen speaks in a harsh tone. My heart sunk a little even in her rapsy tone those words cut like a sword. I can't believe she feels like this after going through all this.
"Well babe what happened?" Erica asks.
"Trinity signaled for me to pull over, I really thought she was going to apologize but things got out of hand. I hit her, we fought and then she shot me. When I finally came to I was on the stretcher on my way here." she said fighting tears.
"She shot you?" I say fighting tears. I can't imagine someone hurting her like that. She's been in fights before but shot? I can't believe it.
"Why are you still here?" Gwen shot at me through her tears. "Just get the fuck out Daria. I don't even understand why you showed the fuck up."
"But Gwen I.."
"No you didn't anything, you don't need to help. Erica's help is enough."
"Gwen!" Erica shot out.
"No Erica, she sat up there and she really believed her over me. After all the shit Trini's ever put me through she sat there and cursed me out over some stupid shit. I would NEVER go back to that girl ever in my fucking life. You hurt me Daria, you really hurt me. So what I need you to do is get the fuck out and I'll talk to you when I'm ready." Gwen is crying her eyes out but she meant every word she said. I do as she asks and I leave. I get into my car and I cry all the way back home. I unpacked all the boxes, folded all her clothes, made the beds in both rooms, took a hot shower, and laid down in our bed as I held the pillow. I think I just lost of the love of my life.

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