Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daria Pt.4

"Bring me that last box bae and set it down in the kitchen" I said unpacking a box of dishes to put up in the cupboard. Yep, I finally found my own place. Its been six months and Daria and I finally moved in to a nice size condo in the suburbs. It wasn't easy to find but I after a minute of searching we found this little spot not to far from the hospital we work at. I've always wanted to move out here so when I finally decide to start a family, my family would have a nice place to lay their heads. I've been working real hard on making Daria and my relationship work on a level that we're both comfortable and don't feel like we're being rushed. Things are going well and I'm really falling in love with her. I really want whats best for her and myself. Lately Trinity has been calling and texting me and I've agreed to meet with her today about the fire at the apartment and where to go from here. I already know she's going to want to talk about her and I getting back together and I'm not for the bullshit. I just want this to end civilized and without us cussing and screaming at one another. I don't like lying to Daria but I told her I was going to meet with some of my in-home patients today and I would home a little later. She took off of work to unpack boxes and set up the house.
"Baby, I'm leaving. I'll be back sometime around 4:30, the men are delivering the beds at 3:00 so don't go anywhere ok?" Daria says to me walking past the kitchen.
"Where are you going babe? I told you I had appointments today." I say in a puzzled tone. She didn't tell me she had anything to do today. It's not like Daria to do some shit like this.
"I'm just stepping out for a few and running some errands with Remy and Keta."
Something doesn't seem right, Daria doesn't really know the area all that well so why is she going to run errands out here and not in the city? Keta and Remy both live out this area. Is she lying to me about where she's going? I can't make heads or tails about whats going on but it's almost 2:00 and I told Trinity I'd be meeting her at 3 so I need to call and cancel.
"Yea yo."
"Yea, Hey I won't be able to make it today. I just moved and the delivery guys aren't coming until 4.
"Well lets meet after 4. I really need to talk to you."
"Ok, is 5 good? I should be done everything by then."
"Ok see you then."
It's a little after 5 when I leave out the door. I pull up to the cafe where Trinity told me to meet her and I see that Daria's car is in the parking lot. Maybe they decided to eat here. I get out the car not taking a second look at myself because I don't give a fuck how Trinity sees me. She's not my girlfriend so I have no reason to impress her. Sweats and some adidas fit the occassion just fine. I walk into the diner and I see Trinity sitting with someone that looks like a lot my girlfriend. As I get closer to the table I see that it is Daria.
"Hi Trinity, would you both care to tell me what the fuck is going on?
Before Trinity can open her mouth to say anything Daria starts yelling and screaming. "Really Gwen? You and this bitch still meeting up with each other? What y'all fucking?"
"First of all I don't know who the hell you getting loud with but I'm going to need you to calm your fucking tone. I'm not for the half of this stupid shit and as for you Trini FUCK YOU! I knew you was trying some slick ass shit. Daria and what the fuck I'm not understanding you really sat up here and believed this bitch and we've been together six fucking months D! We just bought a fucking place together and you come to meet up with this bitch! You really don't trust me. That's fine. Enough said."
"Gwen don't give me that shit, I know you two still fuck with each other." Daria says.
"I'm not dealing with this shit. Fuck the both of you bitches and I'm done. Daria come get your shit beucase it never left its boxes and you go back to Erica's house and Trini get that dumb as smurk off your face and go fuck yourself." As I leave out the door all I want to do is cry. My girlfriend lied to me about where she was going and she's been talking to my ex about me this whole time. I can't believe I fell for this shit. I'm so done with the dumb shit. I get in the car and I'm ready to just peel out of the parking lot when I see Daria walking towards my car.
"Gwen hold on!" she says knocking on my car window.
"What?" I say through the glass.
"We need to talk"
I flip her the finger and I peel out the parking lot. I'm driving at least 75 miles per hour all the way home. Gotti is bumping through my speakers and I'm fighting tears. I see Trinity's car in my rear view mirror smiling and she signals me to pull over. I do as she asks. I turn off my car, get out, and sit on the hood of my car. Its still somewhat warm. I hear her car door close but I never turn around.
"Look Gwen I'm not sorry for what the fuck I did and I'm not here to apologize. I just want you to realize that you're nothing without me. You're a bitch. I don't understand how I have so much control over you're life but I'm really enjoying you suffering." Every word that comes out of Trinity's mouth at this moment is making my blood boil. I don't know what else to do so I hit her. We're fighting and I can feel the ring from her finger hitting me in my cheek but I can feel my fist hitting her cheek repeatedly so much better. Everything was really a blur for the remainder of the fight until I heard a shot, my body went limp, and my side was warm. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was my body hit the ground and Trinity's tires screaching on the asphalt. I had been shot.

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