Monday, July 8, 2013

Chapter 7

December 16 at 4:30 in the morning I'm sitting in my hairdresser's chair and I'm shaking. I'm so nervous. I'm excited, anxious, frightened, and scared. What if Tamara doesn't want to marry me anymore? What if she never wanted to marry me? Did I push her into this? My mom shows up with my dress and my shoes. My aunt arrives at the hotel with my flowers and my jewlery. My bridesmaids and I are ready by 5:00 and on our way to the feild where the cermony will take place. We get there early and take pictures.
"You look so pretty" my sister says to me.
"Thank you love, I'm nervous as hell" I tremble.
"Don't worry love, today is your day, and I've seen you and Tamara together you two are made for each other." she says as she grabs my hand.
"I don't doubt it, but my heart is just heavy. I'm anxious that's all" I say as we pose for another picture.
My mother and I take photos seperate from me and my girls. I love my mother and I'm glad she is finally supportive of my decision. At first it wasn't easy getting her to say I had her blessing but she adjusted to the fact I was marrying a woman. Around 5:45 the cermony began to start. My sisters walked in along with Tamaras groomsmen. They wore short baby pink dresses. They looked beautiful. My father along with Tamara and her groomsmen wore white. When the song started tears instantly began to stroll from my face. I grabbed my fathers hand and we walked down the aisle in a untraditional manner to an untraditional song. I decided to walk down to "Come Close" by Common. We decided on that song forever ago. When I reach the end of the aisle I see my wife standing there in her white and pink. She is in an all white suit, white vest, and baby pink bowtie and hankerchief in her suit pocket. Tory is standing behind her smiling like a child who's watching their favorite television show. The pastor begins the ceremony and we began our vows. We decided to write our own. Tamara begins..
"Christian Ariana Gibson, this past year with you has been one of the best. We've been through a lot together and I've put you through more then a little and I'm sorry. I love you from the bottom of my heart and with every ounce of me along with that. Nothing can break this new bond you and I are starting to create. I pray that you and I make this marriage last a lifetime." I am speechless. All I can do is cry. I can't believe that this is really happening. I am really in a wedding dress, standing in front of a congregation, marrying the love of my life. I clear my throat and I began my vows.
"Tamara Leala Townes you have made me the happiest woman on this planet. You have shown me the kind of the love that no one else ever has. You love me unconditionally and for that I thank you. Your love is pure and genuine like your heart and i pray that I spend the rest of my life with you. From the first time we met until now we have more then a little bit of trials and tribulations but you have stood by me this entire time. You are true godsend and my love for you will never change."
After our vows are exchanged we share our first kiss as a married couple. The sun comes up and Tamara and I walk out of the hall together. We get into the limo and leave the hall in order to prepare for Tory and Eriyns wedding and our combined receptions tonight. We get to the hotel and relax for a while. I layed in her arms majoritiy of the time. The other hours I was on top of her kissing her and telling her how much I loved her. We moved the last of our boxes into the new house and began to unpack until it was time to go to Eriyn's parents house and get dressed. Eriyn and Tory decided to not follow tradition either and are getting dressed and ride together. They don't want to miss a minute of today together.
The wedding was beautiful. All the bridesmaids along with myself wore chocolate and wine. "These colors worked very well on my skin tone I must admit." I said jokingly as we all got dressed. Eriyn's sister was more nervous then anyone. She's a stud deciding to wear a dress for her sister's wedding. She's never worn heels so tonight shold be very comical. "Don't bust ya' ass" Tory's grandmother says and she slides on her gurdle. Eriyn's grandmother is one very funny woman. She makes any situation funny and tonight was the night we needed laughs. Eriyn and Tory took pictures in her father's small vineyard in the backyard and all the bridesmaids and groomsmen took pictures on the balcony of the house. Eriyn's parents have a $600,000 house, for all this land and space they should've got married here.They looked amazing and Tory and Eriyn looked more then happy.
When the ceremony started Tory and Eriyn were already at the end of the dock and the reverend began service. Tory and Eriyn also wrote their own vows and I don't want to sound like a punk but, I dropped a few tears. I'm so happy my bestfriend and my cousin finally made it official. After the ceremony we all climbed into the limo and made our way to the hall. Eryin and I changed into long white dresses. Her dress was strapless and no lace, frills, or thrills. I wore a long gown with no train, thick satin straps, and a lot of cleavage. Tory and Tamara wore white button ups, different colored bowties, jeans, and pradas. Our wives looked good.
We danced with our family and friends and shared our first dance as married couples. We were all going to honeymoon in California and from there go to Las Vegas. The trips were gifts from our grandparents. I can't wait to take this vacation and come back to start a new life with my wife.


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