Monday, July 8, 2013

Chapter 11

Tamara looks so miserable sitting in the doctor’s office with her maternity jeans on. It’s cute and sad at the same time. I don’t mean to laugh at my wife but the shit is just funny to me. She’s so femme cunt now it’s ridiculous. Last night were watching a movie and she started crying when the dog ran away. Any other time it would’ve been “Fuck that dog” or “Bad ass little bastard”. Something funny but now she’s more submissive then I am. It’s cute though. After her sonogram I’m clocking out we have to go to court for that bullshit back in September of last year. It’s crazy that we still have to see these two but knowing today is the day of their sentencing makes my day so much better. We’ve waited six months to see whether or not it’s a boy or a girl because we wanted to make the nursery a unisex room. I didn’t want to wait this long but Tamara insisted. She also doesn’t like to be called “Rome” anymore. I guess because she’s having a baby she feels she’s getting to old for thug ass nicknames.
“Tamara” the nurse calls.
“Coming” Tamara answers as she attempts to push herself up out of the chair. She looks like she’s in some pain but I don’t want to help her. She just looks too cute with her big belly and converses. We get into the back and for this visit she has to get completely naked. A she begins to strip down I began to heat up. We haven’t had sex in almost a month and a half. It’s uncomfortable for her to penetrate me with the strap up under her stomach. So it’s mostly just a bunch of cuddling and kissing and I honestly don’t mind.
“Come here baby” I command.
“What?’ she whispers.
“Stop being so goofy and come here”
“Can I put my robe on first?”
Tamara gives me that smile letting me know that she knows exactly what I’m doing. She walks to me and I begin to rub her belly. “This is our baby.” I say trying not to choke on tears. “I know baby” she says as she leans down to kiss me. Somehow our loving goes from me sitting in the chair and her standing up, to me laying on the medical bed and her on top of me in nothing but a hospital gown. She began to lift up my shirt and massage my breasts as I start to rub her head and run my hand down her back. Just as she began to unbutton my pants the technician knocks on the door.
“You dressed?” she asked.
“One minute” Tamara and I answer back simultaneously. Just when things were starting to get good, the technician comes in and we begin the sonogram. Everything sounds good and her insides look amazing. The OBGYN comes in and does a simple exam to see how the baby is positioned and to see if everything is coming along fine.
“Your baby is in real good health and you are very lucky to have gotten as far as you did without prenatal vitamins.” Dr. Monroe says. I’ve worked with this woman for the longest time and she is one of the best doctors in the business. She has us on our toes about what we need to do in order to ensure that our child is born in good health.
“Have you been taking your vitamins now Tamara?” Dr. Monroe asks in the sternest of tones.
“I’ve been taking the horse pills, yes ma’am” Tamara answers back.
“Good now would you like to know the sex of your baby? “
“Yes” I answer.
“You two lovely ladies will be bringing another beautiful young lady in this world.”
Tamara’s mouth opens into a beautiful smile. We touch her stomach together and Tamara sings an Irish prayer. We both know that this baby will be beautiful. Now we can start looking for names. I called my mother and father and told them the good news while Tamara called her mom and grandmother. This is the start of an amazing life.
We get to the court around 4: 30 and have a seat until Carlisa and Ashley are bought in from the back. Every time we come to one of these cases my blood begins to boil. I hate these bitches and the last thing I want to do is look at either one of them. They make me fucking sick. When the case began it was testimony after testimony. Then it became a game of evidence. Bloody sheets, bloody carpet squares, knives, guns, rope, and video footage of the two breaking into the apartment. Today was the day we receive justice.
The judge reads the verdict “After looking at all the evidence and hearing the testimonies from our witnesses we find Carlisa and Ashley Douglas guilty of first degree assault, second degree assault, rape, attempted murder, and theft of less than 500 dollars.”
After every charge Carlisa and Ashley both began to lose color in their skin. Although dark complexion, both women are pale in the face. I know I shouldn’t but I love it. As straight faced as Tamara and I are now we both want to smile from ear to ear. I love this feeling. When karma comes back to bite a evil individual in the ass. It makes me proud. Tamara and I hug and wait to be dismissed from the court room. Today has been of those days where you just have to thank God that life is looking up.

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